ServiceNow GlideQuery Examples by Peter Bell, Andrew Barnes, and Jace Benson

ServiceNow GlideQuery Examples by Peter Bell, Andrew Barnes, and Jace Benson

The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.
~Tom Cargill

The GlideQuery API is an alternative to GlideRecord to perform CRUD operations on record data from server-side scripts. GlideQuery provides a simplified and consistent syntax for querying records. Use the GlideQuery API in scoped or global server-side scripts. When used within a scoped app, it must be prefixed with the global scope.

By diving straight into practical examples and patterns using GlideQuery is one of the quickest ways to learn and embrace it but however, the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs and coding style preferences of the developer with GlideQuery handling the querying part and GlideRecord handling the record manipulation part.